To sleep, you can book : a mixed dorm, a girls only dorm or a private room for you and your friends. Each bed has a curtain for privacy, a shelf with USB plug and light for comfort and a locker for the security of your belongings.
Mixed dorm

You can book a bed in our mixed dorm for 4 to 6 people.
Girls only dorm

You prefer to stay between girls ? Then book a bed “girls only”
Private room

For more privacy and to be sure to be all together in the same room, you can book our private rooms for 2 to 6 people. With common or shared bathroom.
Are you traveling
in a group ? (more than 6 people)
Contact us directly by email or by phone

To know
Our establishment is not accessible to people with reduced mobility.
Children aged 12 and over are accepted, in private rooms only.
Pets are not accepted.
Non-smoking establishment.